Do you practice safe checks?
Do you practice safe checks?
While the use of checks has declined 25%, reports of check fraud have nearly doubled since 2021.*

Discover the information that’s at risk every time you write a check

Your name and address
TIP: Only share your name and address with people you know and trust.
Personal information in the memo line
TIP: Memos should be vague to avoid revealing sensitive details.Account and routing numbers
TIP: Monitor your account regularly for unauthorized transactions.
Your signature
TIP: Use a pen with permanent gel ink and avoid signing blank checks.
Discover the information that’s at risk every time you write a check

Your Name and Address
Tip: Share your checks only with trusted recipients to protect your personal information.
Personal information in the memo line
Tip: Memos should be vague to avoid revealing sensitive details.
Account and routing numbers
Tip: Monitor your account regularly for unauthorized transactions.
Your signature
Tip: Sign with permanent gel ink to safeguard against tampering.
An unprotected check is a gold mine for criminals.
Understanding scammer tactics is your first line of defense. It all starts with them getting their hands on one of your real checks. Learn how they exploit stolen info to hijack your funds.

Stolen Checks
Criminals frequently raid mailboxes and intercept mail, snatching checks so they can alter them and steal your money.

Tampered Checks
Scammers employ chemicals to “wash” checks, erasing and rewriting details to siphon funds into their accounts.

Fake Checks
Armed with routing and account numbers, criminals easily craft counterfeit checks using modern printers and software.
Sky-High Security: Watch to Protect Your Checks

Join our in-flight crew for a quick demo on practicing safe checks.

Why isn’t every check a giant check?

*2024 Findings from the Diary of Consumer Payment Choices; Federal Reserve Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Suspicious Activity Report Statistics